Knockout November

Image by Micheal0424 at Pixabay. Used by permission.

     It's easy to coast from Halloween through New Year's Day by telling yourself, "Hey, it's the holiday season, so I can relax a bit." And you're right, you can. 
    But you can also go through the holidays and remain healthy. It's fairly simple (though not necessarily easy).
    Step 1 - Set a goal for yourself. Ideas include: To not gain weight during the holidays; to eat only one goodie at a holiday gathering; work out more frequently; get up off the couch during every commercial; try a new class or piece of fitness equipment. . . You pick what interests you most based on what you want to accomplish.
    Step 2 - Make a specific plan. If your goal is to not gain weight, then join a weight maintenance challenge at work, your gym or health club, or even online. Another option is to make your own plan with  a few friends. If you need a little more structure, try an app or online site for tracking your food intake.
    Step 3 - Find an accountability partner. Have someone check up on you who will ask you how you're doing. This could be a friend, co-worker, family member, personal trainer, or someone in your social media network.
     You can have a Knockout November and beyond by challenging yourself!


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